
When I first entered this class, I was expecting to enjoy creating website projects and read some interesting books. I had not planned on discovering some very important and crucial information regarding my life and career in the image of wide scope. This project came during my last semester of undergraduate school and only several months after changing my major. For years I had assumed I would become a veterinarian at all costs; then I took general chemistry and calculus. Several attempts and four and a half years later, I finally accepted the fact that veterinary medicine would not be in my future. Two semesters before I decided to switch majors, I took a career guidance course. A test we took recommended technical writing, so I chose English as a major. Now I am a few months away from entering the workforce with not much clue as to what I want to do for a career. The mystory project offered me a chance to determine my career now, rather than just randomly choosing an office job for the eight to five conundrum. I never realized how important and valuable my childhood memory of searching for a cookie, or a simple anime show for that matter, could be. A "cookie" clearly means so much more to me than a simple sweet treat. That "cookie" also symbolizes a house, a comfortable lifestyle, and probably a lot more than I realize even now. I'm looking forward to continuing this self-discovery in part two of the project.